Irish Wolfhound Clubs
Your local club is your connection to help you find puppies, rescues, and events where Wolfhounds will be present. Learn about upcoming shows and educational events, and meet the tribe of special people who are passionate about all things Irish Wolfhound. The local clubs, and their members, are a valuable source of knowledge about the Irish Wolfhound. Joining, volunteering, and participating in a club near you can be a wonderful experience. Find out more about each club at their links below.
Download Printable List of U.S. Clubs
Local Irish Wolfhound Clubs in the U.S.
* These clubs hold AKC events.
- Desert Irish Wolfhound Association (DIWA)
- Great Lakes Irish Wolfhound Association (GLIWA)
- Irish Wolfhound Association of New England (IWANE)*
- Irish Wolfhound Association of the Carolinas (IWAC)
- Irish Wolfhound Association of the Delaware Valley (IWADV)*
- Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State (IWAGS)*
- Irish Wolfhound Association of the Greater Smokey Mountains (IWAGSM)
- Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast (IWAWC)*
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound (IWCPS)*
- Irish Wolfhound Club of the Willamette Valley (IWCWV)
- Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club (NCIWC)*
- Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club (NIWC)*
- Potomac Valley Irish Wolfhound Club (PVIWC)*
- Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association (RMIWA)*
- South Central Irish Wolfhound Club (SCIWC)
International Irish Wolfhound Clubs
- Club del Levriero (Italy)
- Danish Sighthound Club (Denmark)
- Deutscher WindhundZucht- und RennVerband e.V. (Germany)
- Federation of European Irish Wolfhound Clubs
- Irish Wolfhound Club (England)
- Irish Wolfhound Club (Germany)
- Irish Wolfhound Club Belgium (Belgium)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada (Canada)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Gauteng (South Africa)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Hungary (Hungary)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland (Ireland)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Scotland (Scotland)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Switzerland (Switzerland)
- Irish Wolfhound Club of Victoria (Australia)
- Irish Wolfhound Klub (Czech Republic)
- Irish Wolfhound Society (England)
- Irish Wolfhound Society of Ireland (Ireland)
- Irish Wolfhound Special (Germany in cooperation with DWZRV)
- Koninklijke Belgische Windhonden Club / Club Royal Belge des Lévriers (Belgium)
- Latvia Sighthound Club (Latvia)
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Ierse Wolfshond (IERDIE - Netherlands)
- Oesterreichischer Klub für Windhunde – Zucht und Rennsport (Austria)
- Rassemblement des Amateurs de Lévriers d'Irlande et d'Ecosse (RALIE - France)
- Russian National Club for Irish Wolfhounds (Russia)
- Slovak Sighthound Club (Slovakia)
- Suomen Irlanninsusikoirat ry - The Irish Wolfhound Club in Finland (Finland)
- Swedish Irish Wolfhound Club (Sweden)
- The Irish Wolfhound Club of New South Wales (Australia)
- The Irish Wolfhound Club of Northern Ireland (Ireland)
- The Irish Wolfhound Club of South Australia Inc. (Australia)
- The Sighthound Club of Slovenia (Slovenia)
- W.D.K. Wolfhound & Deerhound Klub (Czech Rep.)
- Wandhond Frenn Letzebuerg (Luxembourg)