IWCA Board Supports Five Health Studies

IWCA Board voted unanimously, during its October 5 meeting in Morgantown, PA, to sponsor five research studies through our Canine Health Foundation Donor Advised Funds in the total amount of $11,500. In her presentation, Health and Research Chair, Frances Abrams, recommended these studies, which have received peer review by the IWF and CHF to be the most beneficial to our breed. Supported studies are:

Identification of Genetic Factors That Alter The Severity of Cardiomyopathy
Bloat Initiative
Identifying Growth Factors That Promote The Spread of Osteosarcoma
Clinical Advancement of A Cancer Vaccine in Dogs
A Novel Virus-Based Anti-Tumor Treatment of Canine Osteosarcoma

For more information on these grants, visit the Health Research section of this website.

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