IWCA Specialty Reservation Cancellations
This is a fluid situation, especially in the last three or four days. Instructions to state agencies, businesses, communities and health care are changing daily, if not hourly and it is difficult for everyone to keep up. These changes are being made by people that are trying to do their best for each community and the country. Please be patient and remember, the people that we are all dealing with are not the ones that made these decisions, but it is their responsibility to carry them out.
Yesterday the Parks and Game Commission employees were following their current policies. Today, they have been instructed to refund all of our reservation fees. Those of you that cancelled before the refund was initiated are requested to call CJ with Park Reservations (1-402-471-1414) and she will personally take care of you. They do not keep your credit cards on file, so please have that available when you call.
The IWCA is not the only group event that has been cancelled, which means the folks at Park Reservations are not only dealing with our event, but many, many others across the state. I could not ask for a more gracious and cooperative group of people to work with. Park Reservations staff are struggling with constant changes as we all are. I, for one, appreciate the positive attitude they have shown us. Let’s thank them by doing the same.
Nina Gottsch, Specialty Show Chair